Telling Your Story with Photographs – Using Apple’s Keynote & Other Media

For millions of years, people shared stories by the warmth of a fire. With the advent of photography (1800s), we have a “plethora” of methods for sharing information. Photos convey information, tell a visual story, and enhance a message. We will focus on different methods of presenting your images and being effective. Photos are essential to modern narratives; how might we best use them?
You’ve taken great photographs, and now you want to “raise your voice” by using and sharing your photos to create a gallery exhibit, a photo book, a digital presentation, a website, or other creative messages. Photos can enhance our environments, advocate for a cause, teach, share your vision, or enhance a commercial endeavor, such as selling your art. This workshop will emphasize universal concepts and techniques to intensify the content of your photo presentations.
To do so, we will include a brief survey of digital presentation software, then focus on Apple’s Keynote application for Macs, which is unique, easy to use, incredibly stable, and purposefully designed for photos and fonts. From Keynote, you can easily export to a variety of formats such as PowerPoint, PDF, and more. We’ll show you examples of how to use the software, discuss what works and does not, construct visual paragraphs, and guide your audience, limiting confusion and distraction visually. You will walk away with new ideas for effectively using and sharing your photography.