Members’ Exhibit 2023

One of the most anticipated events at Viewpoint Photographic Art Center is the Members’ Exhibit every year. For members, the annual show provides an opportunity to present more recent work that reflects the growing edge of creativity and sophistication. Viewpoint has the honor of presenting outstanding photographers who utilize an expanding variety of print media for an increasing audience of appreciative viewers. For the curators, the month-long July exhibit poses the challenge of highlighting individual talent and transforming diverse art into an exciting collective. This exhibit is consistently one of the most popular of the year.

Showing Artists
Les Allert
Kirkman Amyx
John Angell
Jeff Armstrong
Robert Bonar
Susan Bovey
Brad Branan
William Brown
Bill Bryant
Rhonda Campbell
Cecilia Clark
Claude Duplat
Alan Fishleder
Nadeen Flynn
Steve Goldstein
Kathleen Grady
Dale Green
Rebecca Gregg
Richard Halliburton
Pamela Hartvig
Alex Hodgkins
Lee Holmes
Terry Holter
Mark Howell
Maurine Huang
Greg Hubbard
Arthur Jankowski
Christopher Janousek
Joey Johnson
Tom Johnson
David Kalb
Jerry Kapler
Rick Kattelman
Michael Kelly-DeWitt
Gene Kennedy
Sern Kjellberg
George Lazar
Roger Lieberman
Jan Lightfoot
Gerry Limjuco
Stephanie Luke
Jan Cordova Manzi
Eve Matteson
Marlo McClurg
Michele McCormick
Carolyn McLeod
Tom Monahan
Judith Monroe
Brandon Montgomery
David Nasater
Joy Nieslony
Steve Nieslony
Darrell O’Sullivan
Mircea Ouata-Lascar
Todd Paige
Henry Paine
Amy Pero
Anita Rama
Mark Rideout
David Robertson
Tracy Rodgers
John Romie
Rachel Rosenthal
Ann Ruderman
David Ruderman
Victoria Ruderman
Sharon Saltzman
Tom Savage
Susan Scholey
Dennis Scott
Brian Seek
Kathleen Sewell
Steve Shames
Michael Shea
Debra Small
Mignon Stapleton
Daryl Stinchfield
Gregory Stringfield
Dave Sutherland
James Swartzlander
Don Tackett
Mark ‘Geo’ Thomas
Kathy Triolo
Gert van Ommering
Lucille van Ommering
Marc Vayssieres
Aaron Vizzini
Michael Voy
Charlie Willard
Glen Wilson
James Wilson
Harriet Wilson
Thomas Winter
David Wong
Robin Yeager
Judy Yemma
Ronald Yemma
Sabina Zildzic