Gene Kennedy: Focused Intentions Sometimes Bring Good Fortune

Kennedy-Glory Hole Marina

Focused Intentions
Reservoirs of Drought
Buildings Old and New
Manscapes and Land Rapes
Gladding, McBean & Company
Tree Stories

Good Fortune
Jasper Roadcut
Bus Portraits
Lighthearted Landscrapes
Photography with Friends

As a photographer who has worked for more than four decades on long-term and overlapping “project” self-assignments lasting as long as 20 years, the last decade has been less productive, less focused on specific projects, and more social. By that I mean that I am spending more time with other photographers, both in the field photographing, critiquing work in a group, or meeting on rainy or sweltering days to share recent prints, photography books, lunches, and shop talk. 

For me, this has resulted in a more varied body of work, and projects that last from 30 minutes to a week, in addition to a continuing legacy of longer and older projects like Tree Stories and Punctuated Landscapes, whether benign, humorous, sarcastic, or evil. 

Good Fortune can come anytime, but you have to be there to capture it.

      Gene Kennedy

Kennedy-Residence+Bay Bridge