CalEPA Group: Beauty Worth Protecting

We are the CalEPA Photo Brown Bag. We are current and former employees of the Boards, Departments, and Offices that make up the California Environmental Protection Agency.
We are scientists, engineers, technicians, and administrative professionals. We come from all walks of life and we have a wide range of skills. Our day job is to protect public health and the environment. Outside of work we pursue our passion as photographers.
A “Brown Bag” is an office speak for a lunchtime gathering to discuss a specific topic. For example, “Bring your brown bag lunch, and let’s talk about the photos we took during our field trip.”

CalEPA’s mission is to restore, protect and enhance the environment, to ensure public health, environmental quality, and economic vitality. In other words, “We work to protect your health and surroundings wherever you live, work and play.”
By having the opportunity to exhibit at the Viewpoint Photographic Art Center we hope to raise awareness of both the beauty and the fragility of our natural environment.